A New York based artist aiming to augment environmental interaction through light, sound, and object design.

01 Horizon Lamp

An ambient object created to mirror natural daylight cycles within indoor environments.

Unlike a traditional lamp, its hue and rotating shade are synchronyzed with the sun’s cycle, serving as an object to coexist with rather than control.

fusion 360, 3D printing, arduino

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02 Layer Chair

Inspired by the meditative rhythm of repetition, Layer Chair’s minimal press-fit joinery creates a volume of evenly spaced plywood sheets.

woodworking, plywood, wooden dowels
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03 Plant Band 

Adorned by the gentle sounds of chirping birds and rustling leaves, Plant Band creates ambient music in harmony with its living environment.

Its wandering tones give insight into the latent spontaneity of nature’s imperceptible changes.

arduino, ableton
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04 Degradation Fountain
Sculpted from uncured clay, Degradation Fountain gradually dissolves under its own flowing water.

The fountain’s decay emphasizes the insurmountability of nature, and the transience of things built by people; where the fountain crumbles, a pond remains. 

white clay, water
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05 Musical Cube

A tactile, cube-shaped MIDI sequencer that encourages experimentation and play.

By abstracting technical elements through spacalized visual representations, Musical Cube centers around tactility, immediacity, and spontaneity.

arduino, laser cutting, tone.js
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06 Hand Timbre

A motion controlled MIDI MPE interface, allowing for gestural modulation of up to five independent MIDI voices.

3-axis polyphonic control bring new expressive capabilities to musicians and music technologists.

touchdesigner, max msp, leap motion, ableton
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07 Groovebox

Using spatially arranged nodes and granular synthesis, Groovebox unearths unorthodox looping grooves in rhythmic samples.

tone.js, p5.js
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08 N-Tone Sequencer

An experimental melodic sequencer that uses alternative temperaments, redividing the octave into any number of equal subdivisions.

tone.js, p5.js
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